Salmon River High School
Savage Football Policies
Attendance at Practice
1) It is the responsibility of each athlete to notify his coach IN ADVANCE of any absence from practice. This may be done by a phone message or in person, but not through a friend.
2) If a player is in attendance at school, he is expected to attend practice.
3) Missing Practice:
a) If an athlete misses a practice (for any reason, excused or unexcused) during a game week then that athlete may not start the game. The athlete may then enter the game at the coach's discretion.
b) If an athlete misses a practice 48 hours prior to a game, then that athlete may not play in that week's game. (In special conditions this rule may be appealed to the Head Varsity Coach)
4) Excused absence - if an athlete misses a practice for any valid reason and notifies his coach IN ADVANCE, this is considered an excused absence. Players will be expected to make-up missed conditioning.
5) Unexcused absence - An unexcused absence is given to an athlete who fails to notify, IN ADVANCE, his coach; or who does not have a valid reason for missing practice. If an athlete has TWO unexcused absences he could be dropped from the team.
Classroom Conduct
1) Athletes must adopt the attitude that "they are students first". Each member of the Salmon River Savages Football Program will conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the guidelines outlined by the School Athletic Code.
2) Each athlete must follow the board-adopted minimum standard for participation in extra-curricular activities.
3) Each athlete must follow the Football Educational standards outlined in these policies.
Educational Standards
1) Since students are permitted to participate in extra curricular activities only if their academic grades meet the standard established by the district, the Football Coaching Staff will monitor the progress of each of their athletes. It is our belief that football does not interfere with regular classroom activities, but instead enhances the athletes progress.
2) After the first three weeks of school we will conduct a walk-around grade check for all freshmen, J.V., and Varsity players. These forms will be monitored by the coaching staff and if the athlete has a current D in a class they have one week to demonstrate progress or be assigned to mandatory study hall.
Remember! We take our educational standards seriously, and the purpose is not to only keep the athlete eligible but to stress that academics are a high priority in this program. The day of the "DUMB" football player is Gone! If you don't study, you don't play!
Dress to away Games
1) Football Players will be expected to wear a tie, dress shirt and nice pants to school on the day of all away contests. If the athlete is required to dress for the game at the site of the contest, they will wear this attire to and from that contest.
Dress to Home Games
1) Game Jerseys will be worn by each player to school on the day of each home contest or, if the contest is on Saturday, the Friday preceding the game.
Varsity Minimum Standards
1) All Varsity players should pass at least two (2) of the following minimum standards in order to participate on the team.
a) 2.50 GPA (Second Semester grading period)
b) 185lb Bench Press
c) 250lb Squat
d)135lb Clean
Our rationale is: Strong Players are less likely to be hurt and more likely to succeed in the classroom.
Varsity Strength Requirement
1) All VARSITY players will be required to participate in the SRHS "Bigger, Faster, Stronger" program of weight training during the season. They may elect to take weight training before school, or as a regularly scheduled PE class, or may stay following each practice.
2) The purpose of this strength training is to continue to build strength during the season. The work that each athlete did to make himself stronger in the off season would be lost if a maintenance program was not mandated.
3) The best training in the world is nothing without proper, consistent, nutrition. Familiarize yourself with the attached nutritional plan and implement it into your lifestyle. The results will be worth all the effort!!
4) Since one of the purposes in strength training for football is to help avoid injuries, the need to maintain all such development actually increases as the season goes on. The loss of this strength could increase the chance of injury.
Appearance Rules
1) Rule: No beards, moustache, goatee, or long sideburns will be allowed.
2) Rationale: We want to look like a team. Facial hair tends to emphasize the individual and HIS appearance, SUCCESSFUL football teams emphasize, and place importance, in the TEAM's performance and appearance.
1) Rule: We are requesting that during football season the only hat that players wear is a SRHS Football Hat.
2) Rationale: We want to emphasize that the only team that our players should advertise is the SRHS Savages. We are asking that no other type of hat be worn, during season, unless it displays Savage Football.
Crisis Control
1) Philosophy: Players must never perpetuate a fight and should leave the field immediately (if a fight starts) so they might not be construed as promoting an incident. IHSAA provides that an athlete disqualified from a contest, misses the next game. Furthermore, at SRHS, an athlete who starts a fight and is NOT "caught" by the official, will be penalized under the same guidelines (in other words, if you start a fight, you will be pulled for the remainder of the game. You will also miss the following game.)
2) Reaction: Once a fight erupts, all players must immediately leave the field and "squad-up" in their own team box on the 50 yard line. No one is allowed to touch any opposing player. If one of our players is in trouble and is within arm's length of another player, then that player is allowed to pull his comrade out of the fracas, but if the player is not within arm's length, then they must leave the field and let the assistant coaches retrieve any remaining players on the field.
We do not want players who feel as if they are the "enforcers" for their teammates. Keep your aggression going between the whistles, help your opponent off the ground, then knock him down on the next play.......that's the true way a "tough" football player handles himself.
It must be clearly understood that failure to respond immediately to the "crisis control" program will result in immediate disciplinary action.
1, (PLAYER NAME)_____________________ along with my parents, have read and agree to follow the rules, regulations, and policies described above, in the SRHS Football Handbook. We have also read and understand the meaning of the Helmet warning contained on the bottom of this contract.
PLAYER SIGNATURE______________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_____________________________
COACH SIGNATURE ______________________________________
Do not use your helmet to butt, ram or spear an opposing player. This is in violation of the football rules and can result in severe head, brain or neck injury, paralysis or death to you and possible injury to an opponent. There is a risk these injuries may also occur as a result of accidental contact without the intent to butt, ram, or spear
I___________________________, Football Player at Salmon River High School, agree to abide by the following behavioral rules for the length of the school year. I understand these rules are designed to help me become a better student, a better person, and ultimately a better football player. I also understand that failure to comply with any of these rules could jeopardize my position of the Football Team.
1. I agree to abide by the school rules at all times.
2. I agree to avoid situations away from school that could cause embarrassment to myself or my football team.
3. I agree to take seriously my commitment to academics and my classroom conduct.
4. I agree to treat with respect fellow teammates, coaches, and SRHS Staff at all times.
Student Athlete____________________________ Parent_______________________________
So.....where do we go from here?
State Championship?? Are you ready to commit yourself NOW, to do all that's necessary to get there??? It's up to you, the team. We need all players going in the same direction. All players are important, from the Seniors to the Freshmen...only those willing to commit themselves to be STATE CHAMPIONS, will wear the Savage uniform.
The following is worth reading, and acting upon...NOW
I am you constant companion. I am you greatest helper, or your heaviest burden.
I will push you onward, or drag you down to failure. I am at your command.
Half of the task you do, you may just as well turn over to me.
I will do them quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed, but you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done.
after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great people; of all great failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not medicine, but I work with the precision of a machine,
plus the intelligence of a person.
You may run me for profit, or run me for ruin.
It makes no difference to me.
Take me -- train me -- be firm with me, and I will lay the work at your feet.
Be easy with me, and I will destroy you!
Who Am I ?
I am called HABIT.
Great Teams Have Great Habits!
Coach Robinson & Coach Fredrickson